Tuesday, May 19, 2009

8 Months!

Well, Brady is now 8 months old. I can't believe how fast he is growing. It makes me sad that he is not going to be a baby much longer. But at the same time, I can't wait to see him grow. I think I mentioned in my last blog that he has been army crawling. He is ALL over the place now. He followed me into the bathroom twice today! Ha ha...

So, for new things, his second tooth is ALMOST to the surface. It wants to pop through SO bad! He looks so cute with a little tooth sticking up out of his gums. His next big feat... HE PULLED HIMSELF TO A STANDING POSITION! I couldn't believe my eyes! I was in such shock that I couldn't even get Dusty's attention to tell him until he was already standing!

I need to upload some more pictures to my computer and then I'll add some to the post.

Love ya!
The Cottons

Friday, May 8, 2009

7 Months!

Well, Brady is now 7.5 months old. There is SO much to update so I figured I better go ahead and do one now before he adds even more to it! So, he just started REALLY army crawling this past weekend and now he doesn't stop. He's constantly on the move even though he's not quite up on his hands and knees yet.

He also just got his first tooth yesterday! It's just barely broken the surface but it IS there... you can feel it's sharpness! I have a feeling his other bottom tooth is following quickly behind. He's been a trooper, but I am pretty sure it's starting to bother him now.

I have pictures to add, but I haven't uploaded them to my computer yet. I will do so soon, I promise!

Oh, something else to add... Brady has a new cousin!!! His name is Jack Evan and he was born on April 30th. He weighed 8 lbs 7 oz and was 20.5" long. I DO have pics I can upload of him! =)

Brady is also rolling ALL over the place now. As you know, if you've kept up with the few blogs I've actually written, he's been more than capable of rolling for 3 months now, but he was just so lazy! Especially once he figured out he could sit up all by himself. He decided he was too big to lay down any more. Now that he's learning to crawl, I can't hardly keep him in a sitting position because he starts chasing some toy all over the floor. I just can't believe how big he's gotten. Before we know it, we are going to be having his 1st birthday party.

Ok, I'll try updating again soon. Until then...

Love to all!
The Cottons