Wednesday, September 3, 2008

It's almost time!

Well, first of all, sorry I didn't update last week. After going to the doctor last Tuesday, there just wasn't much to update. I hadn't changed any since the week before. So, I went back yesterday and... I'm about a fingertip dialated (which I think might mean about 1 cm) and 50% effaced. That's better than nothing, that's for sure! Then, when she was finished, she asks me if I'm interested in being induced. Well, a lot of you may know that I have been very against being induced, but since my brother is coming in town on the 17th I had recently decided that if my due date got near, I would talk to her about it. So, I told her to ask me next week. Then she explains that it can take a couple weeks, so she's having one of the nurses check the schedule and see if they can find me a date. Most likely it will be the 15th at the earliest, but we shall see. I'm really hoping it doesn't come down to that and that I can still go into labor on my own, but at least I know I have the option if I want it. So, keep praying that maybe he will decide he's NOT comfortable any more and would like to come out and meet his very eager and anxious parents! We are both so excited and simply cannot wait to meet him. I keep looking in his Pack N Play that's in our bedroom and imagining his cute little body sleeping in there. I guess it's time to completely pack all of our bags and put them in my car just in case. They are both ready enough, but I suppose it would prove a little bit more convenient if they were already in my car in case I do go into labor while I'm at work.

Anyway, that's the latest news with the baby. I will try to update if anything changes.

Love ya'll,