Thursday, February 19, 2009

2 Months - 5 Months

Well, I decided I'm just going to skip ahead... there's no use trying to go back in time. Hah! Anyway, Brady turned 5 months old on Monday. Let's see if I can catch you up quickly. He started laughing middle of November, so he was almost exactly 2 months old. I remember it was the Wednesday of the week before Thanksgiving because I was going over to my mom's to keep her company after her colonoscopy. He was laying on his changing table because I was getting him dressed and I tickled him and he giggled. It was the cutest thing I've ever heard. He rolled over for the first time a few weeks ago. He's only done it once since then. I think it scares him. =) He has got the SWEETEST personality and I just love him to death. He is so happy (for the most part)! I just can't believe how fast he's growing. It's definitely bittersweet.

I started a part-time job today... I'm keeping a 1 yr old girl two days a week so that we can go on vacation this summer. Once I get that paid for, I'm going to put it towards paying off credit cards. Brady didn't quite know what to make of the situation. They both wanted me to hold them, and well, that's just not possible. I keep her again tomorrow, so we will see how that works. My mom is supposed to come over (if she's feeling better) after noon, so that will be a big help with Brady at least.

I'm going to attach some pics, but I don't have his 5 month picture uploaded yet. I'll do a post for Valentine's Day once I get those pics uploaded too.

Love to all,


October 16, 2008 - 1 Month

Well, Brady turned 1 month old today! I took him to get his pictures done at Target. They turned out GREAT and I will attach a few of my favorites.
Since I'm just now writing this and he's already 5 months old, I don't have a whole lot to write. I'm trying to think back and see if there is anything I can think of that he's doing now. I know he's smiling already. He's such a sweet little boy! We are already getting into a routine. He's definitely a morning baby...

Brady James Cotton

Well, I know I'm a little late getting all of this updated, but better late than never right?!

So, I will start with the birth story. I was induced on my due date because I was not progressing. My cervix wasn't doing anything, so I went into the hospital Monday night (September 15th) to have Cervadil put in to "ripen" my cervix. They put two doses in throughout the night. They started Pitocin at 5:30 Tuesday morning. At 8:30, my doctor came in and I was dialated to a 3. She broke my water and Oh boy, did my contracions get 100x more intense! I think I made it to about 10 am without an epidural. I don't remember every single detail, but I do remember that my Epi didn't work on the right side of my back so I was still in excruciating pain. I was fully effaced, and dialated to 10cm by 1:30, but my doctor had a scheduled c-section so she made me wait to start pushing... UNTIL 3:00!!!! So, I start pushing and pushing and pushing... the little stinker was face up so it was rough getting him out. But, at 4:47 p.m. on Tuesday, September 16th, we welcomed sweet Brady James Cotton into the world! I will try attaching some pics, but I've never done this before, so I don't know how it will work.